Sunday, December 2, 2007

Weekend Homework of 02.12.07

The British general cooking methods are barbecue,fried and braise.The meat, seafood, game cooking are unique manner.However, their beef categories have special preferences, such as barbecue beef,and put some seasonal vegetables and add the mustard in a little steak.

Britons have different requirements on three meals a day.Breakfast need to make them feel fully.Lunch need to be simple.Dinner need to be delicious,therefore they are usually well prepare for the dinner.

The famous England foods are Steak Kidney Pie and English Fish Chip.

1 comment:

Wootang01 said...

Yentl, your second paragraph is lucid, and so is the first sentence of the first paragraph. Everything else was just a confused mess; doyou understand your writing?